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Vehicle Specific - Repair Manual


If you're not a mechanic, 4 wheel driving in remote areas can be a bit of a put off. Infact most newer travellers will not take any risk and simply put off a trip from fear of busting something on your truck.


A vehicle repair manual or service manual is your greatest asset when travelling anywhere. Even if you don't know anything about your cars mechanical side, a manual will help you troubleshoot should you find yourself in a difficult situation. Fellow 4WDers will always help out when travelling, if your lucky, you might find someone who knows what they're doing and can save you thousands of dollars in recovering your vehicle back to civilization. The general rule in the bush is to shout a carton of beer when saved (except in dry zoned areas).


Having a repair manual in the car might be the difference in how hard your back pocket gets slapped around. There are factory service manuals (which are pretty expensive) and there are many aftermarket types found in auto stores around the country. We found this one at Super Cheap Auto.


   Get to know your vehicle and always keep it well maintained. Drive with mechanical sympathy ! Look after your 4WD and you will have many years of travel ahead.

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